We apologise for the delay in getting this episode out, someone had to selfishly go and move house!
Tonight on Edge of Empire, you will get the following making its way into your listening holes!
- Michael talks with the head Horus Heresy developer on the Battlescribe database!
- We talk about Legacies of the Dark Age
- Dreadnought get some focus
- Rob and Chris talk Battlebling Jettpacks
- And The popular list challenge returns!
- 0:00:41 – Intro
- 0:39:52 – Battlescribe
- 1:07:15 – Legacies of the Age of Darkness
- 2:14:24 – Dreadnoughts
- 2:58:52 – Battlebling
- 3:11:48 – List Challenge
- 4:28:14 – Close
Total Runtime – 4:34:11
Show Notes
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