The Dreadclaw 003 -Kharybdis with a Blue Badge

In todays episode of The Dreadclaw I chat with Robert Ing of The Imperial Truth about our disabilities and how they impact upon our hobby.

[podbean resource=”episode=6uh45-8fbc38″ type=”audio-square” height=”400″ skin=”1″ fonts=”Helvetica” auto=”0″ download=”1″ rtl=”0″]

And as we mention it here is Roberts award winning Space Wolves army!

Army of the Month – January 2018 – Robert Ing

We also briefly mention the The Apothecarion, which is a Facebook group for hobbiests with disabilities, so if you do have disabilities this is a great group to join.

Also if you are in Yorkshire, Robert runs the Yorkshire Heresy group, Yorkshire Heresy. Flat Caps, Whippets & 30k.

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