Company of Legends Registration Form Please complete this form once for each person attending, the event pack can be downloaded here. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) What Game Club Do You Belong To If Any? What Podcast/YouTube Channel Do You Belong To If Any? What Army Will You Be Bringing? (required) What Faction Would You Prefer to Play As? LoyalistTraitor Do You Have Any Dietary Requirements? YesNo If Yes, What Are Your Dietary Requirements? N/A What Stottie would you like for lunch on Sunday? Just HamHam and Pease PuddingHam SaladCheese and TomatoCheese SavouryTuna Mayonnaise Would you prefer a piece of fruit or a chocolate bar? Chocolate BarFruit Do You Have A Preference of Whom You Would Like To Share A Room With? Don't forget to send your army lists to by 23:59 on the 14th September.